In February 2017, production in construction had grown by 5.5% in the Euro area and by 3.9% in the EU28.
The new figures from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, show that output had risen in the year to March. It was up by 3.6% in the Euro area and by 3.7% in the EU28.
The month-on-month decrease of 1.1% in the Eurozone in March 2017, compared with February 2017, is due to building construction falling by 1.7%, while civil engineering rose by 1.1%. In the EU28, the decrease of 0.8% is due to building construction falling by 1.1%, while civil engineering rose by 0.7%.
Among member states with available data, the largest decreases were recorded in France (-5.1%), Sweden (-4.5%) and Portugal (-2.0%), while the highest increases were observed in Poland (+9.7%), Slovenia (+6.5%), Slovakia (+3.6%) and Hungary (+3.4%).
The increase of 3.6% in Euro area in March 2017, compared with March 2016, is due to civil engineering rising by 6.8% and building construction by 2.7%. In the EU28, the increase of 3.7% is due to building construction rising by 3.8% and civil engineering by 3.3%.
The highest increases in production in construction over the year were recorded in Slovenia (+41.5%), Hungary (+33.2%) and Poland (+13.0%). Decreases were observed in Spain (-5.0%) and Romania (-1.0%).